Winning the lost and training the found - everywhere!
Global University is a fully accredited non profit Christian University, based out of Springfield, Missouri. As a worldwide distance learning pioneer, the university integrates education and service through a wide network of Offices in many countries, including the United States.
GU Germany e.V. is one of about 200 Network Offices in 150 countries, serving students in and around Germany. We will help you find the right study program or course for you and provide you with the necessary study materials. You're welcome to contact us.

Office Hours
Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Student's Hotline MON-FRI 20:00 - 20:30
Your Network Office in Germany:
GU Germany e. V.
Fritz-Bockius-Str. 5
55122 Mainz, Germany
Phone +49 (0)175.99 19 502
email info(a)globaluniversity-germany.com
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