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This course focuses on letters written by Paul the apostle to believers while he was imprisoned by Rome. Students will gain an understanding of the historical and literary backgrounds of each Prison Epistle and be able to distinguish their major theological themes. Paul’s teachings will be examined to equip students to apply them to contemporary life and to identify heresy. Students also will learn traditional Pentecostal views on passages that address such issues as election and the security of the believer.


If you are enrolled in this course for three credits, the third credit will be earned by completing a collateral reading assignment (CRA). This assignment is based on the textbook "Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters", 2nd ed., by N. T. (Tom) Wright.

Prison Epistles

SKU: BIB2102-3
35,00 €Price
  • Study Guide

    Steve D. Eutsler

    The Prison Epistles

    1st edition, 354 pages

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