The Biblical Role of Women, written by Assemblies of God women—ordained ministers and scholars––uses an exegetical and hermeneutical approach to study what Scripture says about women in life, family, and ministry. The course undergirds the historic Assemblies of God stance on the place of women in the body of Christ and will take its place as an important support for all women in ministry. Study of this course helps students learn how God related to women in the Old Testament and identify roles women played in the first-century church. The goal of the course is to point the student toward what today’s church should be like, wherever people know and follow Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers and equips both men and women to expand His kingdom.
If you are enrolled in this course for three credits, the third credit will be earned by completing a collateral reading assignment (CRA) based on the textbook "Pathway to Purpose for Women by Katie Brazelton.
The Biblical Role of Women
Study Guide
Deborah M. Gill and Barbara L. Cavaness Parks
The Biblical Role of Women
1st edition, 283 pages